Breath Training &
Online Breathing Classes

Free Breathwork Sessions

Livestream on Wednesdays at 7:30am ET

Breath Training

Oxygen Adavntage®, Pranayama, & More

The Oxygen Advantage® can help to improve…

  • Athletic Performance

    Incorporating functional breathing and high altitude stimulation into your training will elevate your oxygen delivery and uptake. You will be able to perform better, and most importantly, recover more effectively.

  • Sleep & Sleep Disorders

    Sleep is essential for every other thing we do in life. So why not learn to do it better? Functional breathing will enable you to relax your body sufficiently to attain deeper, more restful sleep. By addressing dysfunctional breathing patterns, conditions like obstructive sleep apnea and rhinitis can be alleviated.

  • Focus

    We live in an age of distraction. Improving your breathing can help you designate focus and practice better concentration to lengthen you attention span.

  • Academic Achievement

    Functional breathing can help mitigate test anxiety and allow you to focus for prolonged periods. By being able to study more efficiently, you can help improve grades and performance.

  • Stress & Anxiety

    During states of stress, our breathing can become faster and shallower, which prevents healthy ventilation of the body, keeping us in a fight or flight state. Not to mention, people with chronic anxiety often have dysfunctional breathing patterns. Functional breathing directly addresses the nervous system to down regulate and stay calm.

  • Holistic Wellbeing

    Breathing is the foundation of our health. We can last weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. Enhancing the health of your breathing will enhance the health in every other area of your life.

  • Asthma

    Retraining the breath is a fantastic supplement to your ongoing asthma treatments. Becoming less sensitive to carbon dioxide can help open up the airways and invite more resilience.

  • Employee Burnout

    Giving your employees the tools to command their nervous system will allow them to improve focus and productivity, while managing the stress of demanding projects.

Benefits of 1-on-1 Breath Training

  • Improve resilience to stress

  • More efficiently oxygenate your body & brain

  • Delay the onset of lactic acid fatigue

  • Improve aerobic and anaerobic capacity

  • Heighten focus

  • Strengthen productivity

  • Decrease recovery time

  • Access flow states

  • Support healthy weight

  • Increase heart rate variability

  • Get better and deeper sleep

  • Improve posture

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Quell panic attacks

  • Sharpen decision-making skills

  • Treat respiratory conditions

  • Prevent burnout at work

  • Do better in school and on tests

  • Cleanse your tissues

  • Become the ultimate you!

  • "The Oxygen Advantage. I had no idea how critical it is to do nasal breathing. It is amazing stuff.”

    -Tim Ferriss, Author of The 4-Hour Work Week

  • “The Yoga Sutras don’t actually suggest big breaths and this is a very misunderstood concept in yoga. The Sutras talk about breath retention and slowing the breath down. When the breath moves too much, the mind also moves too much. Try slowing your breath down and breathing less to test out the effects on overall calmness. You will experience a deeper state of meditation if you can reduce your breath. Next time your teacher suggests a big breath, think deep instead of big. Try to breathe down into your belly, allowing your diaphragm to expand towards your navel. Enjoy quiet relaxation as your exhale. Smile at your instructor, as you know the difference between big and deep.”

    Tamara Gillest, Yoga Therapist and Teacher

  • “For any athlete, oxygen is king. Despite this the role of breathing is seldom considered. The Oxygen Advantage® is about breathing to improve oxygen uptake, along with specific breath holding techniques to simulate high altitude training. Having a higher aerobic and anaerobic capacity enables us to do more with less, to exercise faster and further with each breath.”

    Rachel Neylan, Australian Professional Cyclist

  • "I didn’t realise the detrimental effect of breathing through the mouth during rest and the importance of nasal breathing. Breathing too much actually reduces the amount of oxygen delivered throughout the body. This runs counter to the prevailing belief in sport but is based on medical physiology. We learn about the role oxygen plays in the body but not how oxygen is delivered from the red bloods cells and that is the important part to understand."

    Laura Reynolds, 2012 Summer Olympics Athlete